
Canker sores are a very unpleasant occurrence. They are small ulcers that can be found on the inside of your cheek, lips and on your tongue. Canker sores may be painful, but they are not contagious. In some cases, canker sores can cause pain while talking and eating.

How do you know if you have a canker sore as opposed to a cold sore?

Canker sores generally affect the inside of your mouth, while cold sores are found at the edge of the mouth or on your lips. You will know if you have a cold sore by feeling a patch or red irritated skin, that then forms into a blister. These blisters are usually caused by HSV virus type 1 and are contagious until they burst and have completely crusted over.

Canker sores are not connected to the HSV virus and are more of an annoyance than anything else. They generally affect people ages 10-20 years old. These small white shallow ulcers can last for up to 7 days.


Many people will experience an outbreak of canker sores at least three or four times a year. There are many speculations as to what the causes of canker sores are, but sometimes it’s impossible to avoid those things that may trigger an outbreak.

There are also reports that indicate that women are more prone to canker sores than men. Additionally, statistics show that women will have outbreaks of canker sores at certain phases in their menstrual cycles.

What can you do to prevent this unattractive and uninvited ulcer outbreak in your mouth?

Staying away from certain acidic foods can help prevent sudden onsets of canker sores. These foods include lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries.

It important to note that complex canker sores may be caused by an underlying deficiency. 

Some cases of complex canker sores are caused by an underlying health condition, such as an impaired immune system; nutritional problems, such as vitamin B-12, zinc, folic acid, or iron deficiency; or gastrointestinal tract disease.


If you have confirmed with your physician that your canker sores are not caused by an underlying medical condition, it may worth investing in a formula that can treat, prevent and lessen painful symptoms. Many over-the-counter medicines, creams, and liquids may help relieve pain once you have already experienced a bout of canker sores. However, many of these treatments contain harmful artificial ingredients, and your canker sores will continue to recur.

Having said that, we have discovered a product that is completely natural -Canker Clear. They claim to not only to treat the inflammation but also to effectively prevent recurring outbreaks of canker sores. The company that we will review below has created a synergistic blend of natural ingredients that have been clinically researched and proven to treat canker sores and produce positive results more than many other canker sore treatments available. 

What ingredients are in the Canker Clear Solution?


Alum (Aluminum Potassium Sulfate), Vitamin B12, Propolis, Licorice, Lysine, Folic Acid, Holy Basil. These ingredients contain the most incredible healing and antibacterial properties.

For instance, Propolis has been used in traditional medicine for many years and has been shown to contain antibacterial and antifungal properties. Licorice contains anti-inflammatory properties and may help to soothe inflamed tissues in the mouth, to help provide quick relief for canker sores

Folic Acid is a B vitamin that is an essential nutritional element for correct bodily functions. The supplementation of Folic Acid has been shown to be an excellent preventative measure against people who are prone to frequent bouts of canker sores.

Basil leaves may be small, but are packed with essential oils. These oils have incredible purifying and cleansing properties. Scientific studies have also confirmed that the compounds found in the oil of Basil Leaves contain very strong antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. This breakthrough blend of ingredients seems to be a very effective for curing and preventing frequent and painful outbreaks of canker sores.

How to use the Canker Clear Solution?


Step 1: Dampen a cotton swab or use your fingertip, dip into the Canker Clear Solution and dab directly onto your canker sore. Leave the solution on the affected area for 60 to 100 seconds.

Step 2: Rinse your mouth with water, swish thoroughly for up to three minutes.

Step 3: Repeat two to three times per day until the sore is completely healed.

Step 4: For ongoing support mix the powder with water, and swish the solution around your mouth 1-2 times per week.

In Sum - Canker Clear Review


Suffering in silence, because your mouth is too painful to talk is not really a solution to this annoying and uncomfortable canker sore situation. Firstly, you should check with your doctor in case you may suffering from nutritional deficiencies which may contribute to frequent outbreaks. Or you can try a natural canker sore solution that will help balance and treat discomfort in your mouth. The Canker Clear formula is an all natural product that is based on scientific research and clinical studies to effectively cure and prevent canker sores. Additionally, what really differentiates this company from others is that they give customers a 60-day money back guarantee, and will refund any opened and unopened bottles of Canker Clear. This means you can try out the solution completely risk-free and hopefully experience a clear and painless mouth for the long term.

Researched and written by experts, brought to you by our team at Mommy Authority.

Susannah is a nutritionist, who graduated from King's College, London. Married to her childhood sweetheart, Jack, they took the brave move a few years ago to relocate to Europe (France) where they run an organic farm together. Susannah still has her own small private practice where she provides nutritional advice and guidance. She loves what she does and it shows in her writing. We are very happy to have her contributions and expertise on our site. She loves all things different and when she isn't out on the farm or in her clinic, she can be found wine tasting in the many wonderful wineries that can be found in the region!